Sometimes a messy house is better.

Some days we race around, taking the kids here and there.

We clean and clean the house to make it look good, and tell the kids "hang on" when they keep on asking if we can sit with them... read to them... spend some time with them.

Our kids deserve our time and our attention.  Our kids deserve some proper "face time" with us, not "back time" as we dutifully clean the kitchen, the bathroom, the lounge. 

They need us to sit with them and laugh with them.... tumble with them.... giggle and cuddle with them.  They need time with us ... even if it's just sitting gritting our teeth through Dora the explorer!

Our kids want our time.  Our kids want time with us.

I've noticed that mine misbehave most when Im not spending enough time with them.  When I'm busy learning new songs for the band, or trying to get the house tidy cos someone's coming around.
When I give them a bit of my time, the behaviour improves, and actually I have more time to do what I needed to!  Funny how that works.

I need to keep reminding myself to stop for a while.  To live with a dusty floor.  To leave the washing pile until tomorrow.  If other people find that offensive or "lazy" then that's just too bad!!

I want to make a conscious effort to put my kids before the dishes/vacuuming/laundry/cleaning.

Take care all...



  1. Oh I so agree. It's hard to put aside the "voices" that tell you to be doing more with the house. But I figure once the kids are grown we can be house proud and anal :P

    I love the new look btw, it's very cool!!

    1. Cheers mate ;) Hey been thinking about you lots and sending lots of hugs out there in cyberspace to you xxx

    2. Thanks Neetz! It's getting better but every now and then a new thing hits and I feel like I'm back at square one. But it's all a learning process and a journey through honesty... I feel like a self help book sometimes!!

  2. Good one Neetz - totally agree!

  3. Oh this is so true!! Nicely put!!

  4. You are so right....we are losing the battle anyways with a clean house so may as well spend it with the kids . xxx

  5. Oh I hear you! Great post xxx

  6. So true Neetz! Great post (and a timely reminder)

  7. You see, this has been tugging on my conscience as a father for a time now. I am always busy with work; and when I’m at home, managing the house would take up the rest of my time. I feel bad for not spending quality time with my daughter since I’m the only one she has now. Well, that was before finding a good cleaning services company. Now, I have time to bond and connect with my princess instead of being consumed with the whole cleaning process.

    Bong Kingsley

    1. Thanks for stopping by :) I love the thought of using a cleaning service...heheh now to sell that to my husband!! :) You sound like a great Dad, spending that time with your daughter!! All the best!

  8. Neetz, why don’t you start trying to involve kids when you’re cleaning the house? Try making them help by asking them to pick up pieces of clutter and throw them in the bin. This way you’ll be able to spend time and have fun with them, and it is also a great way to motivate them to keep the house clean.

    Skylar Cox

    1. That's a great idea. Sometimes we do the "quick lets all tidy up quickly and then we will go out and have a horse ride / bounce on the trampoline / swing etc" and they do pull their weight.... your idea is good! I will try that next time! Thanks for stopping by x


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