Taranaki Mad er I mean Proud

Well I thought
I would just give you all a peek into my husbands collection of Taranaki shirts and stuff....
I think it's getting  a little out of control to be honest!! I mean I know the boy is crazy mad about his home but this is just ridiculous....

((TARANAKI...IF YOU DIDN'T CLICK WHERE HE'S FROM!)).  But every so often I look into his drawers/closet and see new hoodies/shirts/ even "GO NAKI" yellow and black jandals!  One guess what colour our letterbox is?  Yes the big rural letterbox... YELLOW and BLACK!.

We have stickers on our cars and even his work car that say "TARANAKI HARDCORE".  Needless to say, I often get fellow Naki lads/lasses tooting or waving hard out at me... pointing to the sticker and giving the thumbs up!  What is it about the Naki?  I know they have a very impressive mountain, they're right by the sea... from the mountain to the sea....(some of the coolest waves round the coast too) but boy they sure are proud of where they come from.

I guess if we had lots of Kaitaia t-shirts I'd be a bit proud of my hometown too...... (hmmmmmm). 

What is your husband/partner crazy about?  What "collections" does he have? 


  1. yeah..thats pretty hard core

  2. My brother in law is from the Naki too, and they sure are a hardcore bunch!


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